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A FREE 5-Step Guide for Women Over 40 Who Want To Slip Back Into Their Favourite Jeans
(without going low carb, cutting out entire meals or setting foot inside a gym!)
Inside your FREE guide, you'll discover:
✅ How to eliminate your BIGGEST weight loss mistake BEFORE you waste time on fad diets and horrific exercise to lose up to 30 lbs in 90 days or less.
✅ How stopping the horrible HIIT workouts, 5 am runs and spending hours in gym classes will make sure you shift pounds of stubborn tummy fat.
✅ Weight loss done right, and the 3 simple steps you need to get back into your favourite jeans.
✅ Too busy to count calories? Step 1 shows you the 5-minute method for dropping multiple dress sizes while eating pizza, pasta and chocolate every day.
✅ Want to tone your tummy but hate exercising or going to the gym? Step 3 will show you why you don't have to do exercise you hate to lose your tummy.
✅ How women over 40 are dropping multiple dress sizes WITHOUT using willpower.
✅ If you're over 40, how you can get the figure of a younger woman without all the crazy workouts and keto diets!
✅ How to shock your body into losing more fat than it wants to (plateaus will be a thing of the past!)
And MUCH more!
Here's what happened when Mrs B From the Highlands downloaded her free report:
"A happy side effect has been consistent weight loss that I have never experienced before on any of the fad diets I've tried. I've been able to get off medication my GP told me I'd be on forever. Rhoda really does do exactly what she says on the tin."
And what about Carol?
"Rhoda gives you the confidence in yourself, the skills and the know-how to continue your journey. I never felt like I was on a diet or deprived of my favourite foods.
Rhodas' guidance and enthusiasm have been fantastic in my journey."
And then there's R.D. from London:
"I cannot recommend Rhoda enough, to invest in yourself is the best thing you can do - entering 2022, I have a much better mindset and the tools to continue losing weight."
My name’s Rhoda Cameron, and the main thing you should know about me is that I’m NOT your average health coach.
And although I’m a qualified personal trainer, I won’t give you meal plans or tell you to go to the gym!
You’ll be pleased to know, that just like my clients I hate going to the gym and I love eating carbs!
I’ve helped stacks of 40-something women drop multiple dress sizes without:
❌ Cutting out wine, chocolate, crisps, bread, cheese, or takeaways.
❌ Getting up at 5 am for a run.
❌ Setting even one pinky toe in the gym.
❌ Lifting weights at home.
❌Counting calories in My Fitness Pal.
❌ Measuring or weighing food.
❌ Following a meal plan.
❌ Doing home HIIT workouts.
I guess you’re wondering what makes me qualified to talk about weight loss for executive women in their 40’s?
"My methods aren’t just another fad disguised as a diet. When I say I don’t go to the gym, do any punishing exercise or follow a diet to stay a healthy weight for my height and neither do my clients, I really mean it!"
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